No decision is taken by administrative courts, the courts manipulate procedures in order to avoid decision-making. This not an example of a democratic and well functioning legal system. I lost trust in the rule of law in Sweden and as a UN diplomat I have a good reference in the abuse of the legal system in totalitarian states in order to punish critics.
Fear and escape from analysis and contradict other authorities. No substantive analysis was undertaken. This is a mockery of the legal system
the  new statement from the Municipality of Landskrona  stands in a total contradiction  to a almost 100 legal statements of the Mark and Miljödomstolen against the previous owner Glenn Björne (goat farmer) 


Landskronas falskt och vilseledande påstående 

Landskrona Municipality has invented a fantasy situation wher the new owner, age 76 is conducting agricultural activites.

länsstyrelsen påstår att jag har "accepterat verksamheten"
Landskrona Municipality has invented a fantasy situation wher the new owner, age 76 is conducting agricultural activites.





Länsstyrelsen i Skåne är dåligt informerad
ta beslut på falsk underlagg
Länsstyrelsen i Skåne är dåligt informerad
ta beslut på falsk underlagg


  JAG HAR INTE ÖVERKLAGAT LANDSKRONAS BESLUT TILL  Mark och Miljödomstolen eller Mark och Miljööverdomstolen med argument att förvaltningsdomstolar måste avgöra oförenlighet av domslut mot tidigare får bonden och nya pensionerade FN diplomaten 76 år gammal
Jag har inte överklagat, fabricering av falsk evidens av Mark och Miljööverdomstolen



  Kammarrätten i Göteborg 
Jag har inte överklagat 
Jag har inte överklagat, vill vänta på Förvaltnings-domstolar
Jag har inte överklagat, vill vänta på Förvaltnings-domstolar 
Länsstyrelsen i Skåne är dåligt informerad
ta beslut på falsk underlagg



Av förmela grunder  KAN VI  INTE ÖVERKLAGA DET NYA BESLUTET AV LANDSKRONA MILJÖFÖRVALTNING  TILL  Mark och  Miljödomstolen samt Mark och  Miljööverdomstolen då dessa domstolar har utfördat 2018-2022 fler än 12 domslut I SAMMA ÄRENDE MOT DEN TIDIGARE ÄGAREN (GET FARMER) ALLA DESSA DOMSLUT ÄR FORTFARANDE GILTIGA OCH I LAGA KRAFT.

@SwedeninEU , Sweden in EU @TTnyhetsbyran TT Nyhetsbyrån @granskning Uppdrag granskning @Sverigesriksdag Sveriges riksdag @andreasostgote Riksdagens talman, @liberalerna Liberalerna, @vansterpartiet Vänsterpartiet, @moderaterna Moderaterna, @Centerpartiet Centerpartiet, @miljopartiet Miljöpartiet, @socialdemokrat Socialdemokraterna, @SwedishPM Swedish PM @dagensjuridik ,Dagens Juridik @A_Sokolnicki DN @adamcwejman GP @anniecroona klimat, redaktör på Dagens ETC @emanuelkarlsten at @Medieakademin @emilhellerud Kalla fakta @granskning Uppdrag granskning @kallafakta Kalla fakta @AdvokatEmma Advokat @AdvokatStahl #Advokat Kristoffer Ståhl @carlbildt #carlbild @Mia_E_I #advokatsamfund @dagensjuridik , Dagens# Juridik @A_Sokolnicki DN #Sokolnicki @adamcwejman #cwejman #Göteborgs-Posten @anniecroona klimat, redaktör på Dagens ETC @emanuelkarlsten at @Medieakademin @emilhellerud Kalla fakta @gad_media Magda Gad @granskning Uppdrag #granskning @kallafakta Kalla fakta @Marcus_Rossheim Sydsvenskan @mariagfrancke Kulturchef @mariagfrancke Kulturchef @mattias_neo Ledarskribent på SvD. Den öppna #klimatpolitiken @niklassvensson Expressen @StineBuch journalist @Reuters @TTnyhetsbyran TT #Nyhetsbyrån






Please allow me to summarize the sequence of factual errors and errors in law, along with the failure to follow legal procedures. I would appreciate it if you could grant me the right to correspond in the English language. As the retired UN diplomat, 76 year old, I have legal experience in the English language in the field of international control of nuclear safety and non-proliferation agreements.
I understand that the various instances try to save their face but the legal judgements should be impartial and blind for any irrelevant issues such as Law of Jante and not used for silencing criticism of environmental failures.
I.) The Landskrona Municipality commits legal errors (Error Juris)
 I.a ) A serious formal legal error, referred to as Errors Juris, occurs when questioning and undermining an existing verdict from higher legal authorities.
I.b ) The Landskrona Municipality (accepted by the County of Scania) manipulates the evidence, insinuating that the contamination of the property was not known prior to the year 2017, which is untrue. The verdict of the Administrative Court (Förvaltningsrätten Malmö) clearly addresses problems as early as 2015.\adm_plast_jus_forvalt\      format in  pdf
II.) Landskrona Municipality commits two fundamental factual error i.e. (Error Facti)
II.a.) Factual error, (Error Facti) Landskrona Municipality is insinuated that the new owner, a retired UN diplomat who purchased the property in 2017 and moved to Sweden, at the age of 76, is conducting agricultural activities.
II.b) Secondly, there was an erroneous assumption that the new owner was capable of detecting pieces of ensilage plastic buried in the goat manure, despite the Landskrona Municipality stating in April 2017 that the garbage had been removed from the Tuna 32:2 property.
III.) Subsequent judicial errors, known as Error Juris, are evident in this case, showing a manipulation of the facts by the Land and Environment Courts. (Mark och  Miljödomstolen samt Mark och  Miljööverdomstolen)
The court insinuated that I had appealed to the decision of the Scania County Legal Unit, which is clearly false. Despite my application to defer the decision until the legal process is verified, especially concerning the undermining of valid verdicts from higher courts, the court in 2024 manipulated the logic and legal process manipulating facts and stated that I had retracted my appeal., WHAT IS TOTALLY WRONG, I NEVER FILED AN APPEAL. Despite my numerous e-mails clearly stating that I had not filed an appeal in order to avoid violating the legal rules of the verdict sequence. The verdicts of the Land and Environment Court between 2018 and 2022 assigned the entire responsibility to the previous owner, Mr. Glen Björne, and these verdicts are still valid. I cannot appeal against an illegal process that undermines valid verdicts and violates the legal principles of the legal hierarchy of courts.
A long series of verdicts, minimum 28 domslut,  based on evidence are issued by the courts, here are some examples. The causality and resons are still valid. The old owner have still valid sentences on him and IS NOT PARDONNED OR NO AMNESTY WAS ISSUED.









Oppen letter to the Supreme Court of Sweden