the full documentation of the case
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summary of legal errors

kopia i  PDF fromat  daterat 2024-06-30änsstyrelsen_Skåne_undanhåller_info_från_2015.pdf
Länsstyrelsen Skåne undanhåller och beaktar inte den mest väsentliga bevisningen dvs att problemen med plasten redan har adresserats år 2015. (se relevanta dokument från Förvaltningsrätten Malmö under) Detta inträffade minst 2 år innan den nya ägaren förvärvade fastigheten och flyttade till Sverige.

Vid köpet av fastigheter år 2017 påstår Landskronas Miljöförvalting att plasten och nedskräpningen har blivit åtgärdat av den gamla ägaren Glenn Björne.

In 2017 Mäklaren påstår att nedskräpningen av den sålda tomten 32:3 har blivit omhändertagen av den gamla ägaren, - plasten och andra avfall har Glenn Björne, gamla ägaren, flyttad till sin tomt Tuna 25:12 - relevanta fotos presenteras.


manipulation of facts, fabrication of evidence


"Banality of evil" in the daily life of EU citizen
#REGERINGEN(.)SE på sajten skriver;
"stora förändringar i omvärlden. Demokratier försvagas och utmanas. Utmaningarna finns även i Sverige. Demokratin kan därför inte tas för given."

Alla krafter måste försvara demokratin i #Sverige och förhindra missbruk av lagen (genom att fabricera falsk evidens) i syfte att tysta kritiker av miljöskyddet i #Landskrona kommun.

full dokumentation in English

Vi säger "Nej" till manipulation av rättssystemet. Sverige är inte en totalitär stat som tillåter ett sådant missbruk av rättssystemet - DÉJÀ VU - som beskrivs nedan.
Möjligheten att utöva medborgerliga rättigheter beror på också på information myndigheter tillhandahåller. Vi väntar nästan 2 månader på svar, detta påverkar vår rättssäkerhet och våra demokratiska rättigheter. (RULE of LAW)

@Justitiedep @hogsta_domstol @FR_Stockholm @Justitiekansler @SverigeiEU @Mia_E_I @dagensjuridik @JessikaRoswall @TobiasBillstrom @Pau_Brandberg @andreas_carlson @adamcwejman @pwolodarski @A_Sokolnicki @emilhellerud @niklassvensson @AdvokatStahl
@YFryklund @Peter_Osterberg


From: Richard Gronvius, retired UN diplomat, Nuclear Safety, age 76.     Sankt Ibb 2024-05-12
mail: the copy on the websajt
Summary of the main issues in the scandalous case (several error juris and error facti)  initiated by the Environment Protection (miljlförvaltningen) Landskrona, in 2023 dnr 39599-2023 which tries to shift responsibility for the silage plastic contamination to the new owner because the old owner sentenced by several courts Mr. Glenn Björne lacks funds.

    section 1 part 3


 All documents below come from the documentation of the Landskrona Environment Protection, therir new statment is contradicting the facts and is UNTRUE

1. we had a good reason to belive the authorities that the silage plastic was removed and placed in the location still owned by the goat farm owner and culpable  of contamination Mr. Glenn Björne.
2. we do not continue any activites of goat farming, animal farming nor any agriculatural activites.  We are engaged in resarch on ecological restoration and rewilding.
  The Landskrona Environment Protection  and The Real Estate Agent certifies that the silage plastic was removed (although it was a wrong information we believed the authorities), also the neighbor Ansenius makes a photo showing that that the previous owner Glenn Björne moved the plastic  from our property to his property.


The Landskrona  Environment Protection and The Real Estate Agent certifies that the silage plastic was removed, also the neighbour makes a photo complaining that the previous owner Glenn Björne moved the plastic from the sold property 32:3 to the neighbouring plot 25:12  still owned by Glenn Björne.
with exception of the of the roof plastic covering the arch halls (båghallarna)

The photo below shows a pile of garbage. Upon overtaking the property on 2017-04-03 we do not see any silage plastic. Later on upon digging into manure we se that the plastic is embedded in the manure.

  There are two plastic types in question
1. plasting covering the tent, thick plastic, big píeces, originally 30 meters x 12 meters. NO PROBLEM, This plastic is already disposed
2. ensilage plastic mixed in the manure PROBLEMATIC and it is this plastic the Landskrona  Enviroment Protection  we talk about.
  the Landskrona Environment Protection writes,  Asenius is the neighbour with the propert left in ownership of Mr, Glnn Björne.

Real estate agent confirm removal of the silage plastic
see POINT 18


  ABOVE, the Landskorna Municipal informs that Mr. Ansenius complains the previous owner  of our property has moved the silage plastic from our propert TUNA 32;2 to the  property TUNA 25:12 still owned by Mr. Glenn Björne, the old owner of our property and the pile is disturbing mr. Ansenius. 


The photo below  shows a pile of garbage. Upon overtaking the property on 2017-04-03 we do not see any silage plastic at our poperty identity TUNA 32:3.The photo show the gabage moved by Glenn Björne to his property  TUNE 25:12 . The photo was taken by Mr. Asenius, a close neighbour who feels that the garbage will now stay near his property.
Mr. Glenn Björne move all kind of gabage, including silage platic mixed with the manure to his property 25:12 see photo 

  The garbage pile moved to the the property of Mr. Glenn Björne 
  location of the garbage  
  Later on we discovere that the silage  plastic is hidden in the manure, on the surface nothing of silage plastic is visible on the surface.


We do not  have any activities (verksamhet) which could lead to contamination, again we did not take over any activity (verksamhet)


The Landkrona Environment Protection misunderstands our research insinuating that our activities (verksamhet) produce waste (avfall)


  Curretly Ecolanum has only research activities. The company name is used only for identity and branding.

  Only an ignorat person can assume that the owner of Ecolanum, age 76 years without any emploees, expenditure, income and external expenses, as stated in the account statement, will be able to create any other garden than rewilding, i.e letting the nature takeover the land according to the EU directives - complete nonsense to assume that one is producing waste. (avfall)


 We do not conduct any activity which  produces waste (avfall) the opposite is true, our objective is to develop methodologies for the reduction of waste.