grannehörande TUNA 89-5 |
Rule of Law prescribes the response to the citizens' request for
information and non/discrimination |
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list of documents |
2023-01-12 |
Dear Ms. Linda Sadjadi Warming,, Stadsarkitekt/Avdelningchef Dear Mr. Torkild Strandberg,, head Stadsbyggnadsnämnden (signee of the protocol) Dear Ms. Boel Kvist,, Chef för juridiska avdelningen Landskrona c.c. Mr. Jesper Jacobsson, Rättschef och chef för rättsenheten på Länsstyrelsen Skåne. Thank you for the e-mail I would like to have copies of all communication including E-mails sent to ALL neighbours as requested in the e-mail dated 2023-01-05. It would be a learning experience for me to know how selections of neighbours is done. Mr. Jesper Jacobson was informed about the case in summer as there are serious legal implication and certain citizen’s obligation related to the process. Hence please send me the information including E-mails send to TUNA 2.6 TUNA 2.4 TUNA 2:13 TUNA 32:5 |
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grannehörande TUNA 89-5 2022 |
mycket förvirrande uppgifter |
svar |
grannehörande TUNA 89-5 2021 | ansökan | svar |
the elections in September actualize certain question related to the participation in the political processes, |
förhandsbesked om gård med två bostäder, 2022.44 |
remiss gällande föhandsbesked BYGG: 2022.44 |
the elections in September actualize certain question related to the participation in the political processes, |
Q1_89_5 answered |
Who is the owner of the property 89:5 OWNER Tufvesson,Roland Christer |
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e-mail to linda.sadjadiwarming copy Länsstyrelsen to wait with "komplettering" |
Q2_89_5 answered |
Who is requesting building permission
89:5 REQUESTOR Magnus Pettersson |
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e-mail to
linda.sadjadiwarming copy Länsstyrelsen to wait with "komplettering" |
Q3_89_5 waiting for an answer |
who participated in the meeting approving decision in the "ärende" Dnr:2022:44 |
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e-mail to dated 2022-06-14
linda.sadjadiwarming Torkild.Strandberg copy Länsstyrelsen to wait with "komplettering" |
Q4_89_5 | what does the confusing justification mean "remiss" to BYGG 2022.44 |
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e-mail to |
requesting rules for notification about
"grannehörande" only registered letter? |
linda.sadjadiwarming copy Länsstyrelsen to wait with "komplettering" c.c. boel.kvist |
were the correction to protocol dated 2022-04-26 sent to all involved parts | clarification from the legal dept. | ||||
who has prepared the | |||||
clarify with the Landscrona commune how was it possible that the authorities allowed to transfer property 25:12 from the person with debts and obligation to his son thus escaping the responsibility | clarification from the legal dept. | ||||
comparison of the municipal/communal political framwork between Austria, Italy, Sweden and UK | |||
local democracy, elections, political participations, internal voting proceures on the local issues, representations, communication with the local politicians, | |||
why was the deciton related to point 4 above not put on voting, rules, note in the protocol. | |||
Datum 2022-04-26 Plats Tid Stadshuset kl. 16.30-18.00 Sammanträdes-protokoll |
Ledamöter Torkild Strandberg (L), ordförande Sven Persson (M), 1:e vice ordförande Jonas Karlsson (S), 2:e vice ordförande Annila Hansson (L), § 47-56- §58-64 Mark Sarnik (L) Elvir Mesanovic (MP) Ann Persson (S) Roger Blomberg (S) Emil Fennstam (SD) Olov Stråmark (SD) |
Torkild.Strandberg Sven.Persson Jonas.Karlsson Annila.Hansson Mark.Sarnik Elvir.Mesanovic Ann.Persson Roger.Blomberg Emil.Fennstam Olov.Stråmark |
Tjänstgörande Leif Arne Linné (L) ersätter Helena Veraeus (L) ersättare Karin Strandberg (L) ersätter Annila Hansson (L), § 57 Ersättare Karin Strandberg (L), § 47-56- §58-64 Leif Thorsell (M) Susanne Andersen (S) Alf Andersson (SD) |
Övriga Johan Nilsson, stadsbyggnadschef Lisa Lindekranz, planchef Tora Broberg, stadsmiljöchef, § 48 Anette Drivmo, administrativchef |
Johan Nilsson Lisa Lindekranz Tora Broberg Anette Drivmo |
Justerande Jonas Karlsson (S) med Sven Persson (M)
som ersättare Justering 2022-05-03 Protokollet anslaget Förvaring Paragrafer 47-64 Sekreterare Anette Drivmo |
background info | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||