Ecology of the island of Ven/Hven the environment of the BOTANICAL  GARDEN   ECOLANUM
Vårt experiment går ut på att bägränsa vå konsumption, vårt måtto är att AVSTÅ . Vi strävar att begränsa vår konsumption genom att fasta och reducera konsumption av klimat belastande matprodukter, därför  äter vi inget kött, bröd, pasta socker, kakor, ko-ost och vi dricker ingen alkohol.
Vi vill samlar  så mycket som möjligt.
vårt mål är att  och  reducera våra mat inköp till 2000 kr per månad per person.
Creation as the fruit
of God’s eternal Love.
They are voices of those who suffer the impacts of climate change. They are voices of people who possess ancestral wisdom about how to live with gratitude within the limits of Earth. They are voices of a diminishing diversity of species rather than humans. It is the voice of the Earth.
Season of Creation is a time of grace that the Church, in ecumenical dialogue, offers to humanity to renew its relationship with the Creator and with creation, through celebration, conversion and commitment together.
  Ecolanum is developing methodologies for the sustainable horticulture and small scale complementary food production. The underlying research ground is a Botanical Garden incorporating “edible forest” concept.
Until now the activities were conducted on the non-profit basis as the owners  dispose of the  private economic resources and  the emphasis was concentrated on the garden development phase and research 
  As an example of an "edible forest" , the radicchio lettuce on the photo grows everywhere all the year round and summer time, in the second year flowers beautifully. 
  our input to the


our "ecological footprint"