2020-12-22 MMD |
2019-02-25 VÄXJÖ TINGSRÄTT |
MMD 2019-02-25 |
lansstyrelsen 2018-10-10 |
2018-05-07 Miljöförvaltningen |
sida 24 av 24 sidor i PDF version |
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we have two verdicts one from the high court (Mark och
Miljödomstolen) and the new one, contradictory to the high
court verdict from Länsstyrelsen Skåne which questions the high
court. (the old rulings are not cancelled) |
I have to appeal to revert the verdict of Länsstyrelsen Skåne but the valid verdict is from the higher court. |
It seems like a judicial madness. |
attachment A ![]() ![]() |
two |
From: Richard
Gronvius <richard.gronvius@ecolanum.org>
Sent: 22
April 2024 13:45
To: 'Jesper.jacobsson@lansstyrelsen.se'; 'Mark- och miljödomstolen,
Växjö Tingsrätt '; 'skane@lansstyrelsen.se'
Subject: .URGENT
BRÅDSKANDE - Is the previous owner of the Tuna 32:3 Mr. Glenn
Björne still guilty of contamination , Are there two persons who
caused contamination with the silage plasti Attachments: two_culpable_dnr_39599-2023.pdf
Importance: High TO: Mr Jesper Jacobsson, Head Legal Unit
County Skåne, Länsstyrelsen Skåne dnr: 39599-2023
Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (temporary M 2134-24) FROM: Richard Gronvius, former UN
diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20
years of excellent work performance at IAEA award, co-worker to
Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA, See attachment
“two_culpable_dnr_39599-2023.pdf” Is Mr. Glenn Björne, the previous owner
of the Tuna 32:3 ( goat farm owner) still guilty by
causing the contamination of the plot by the silage plastic and
guilty to pay the fines? Also posted on www.ecolanum.org/w
Richard Gronvius |
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A hypothetical question, showing the irrationality of the decision
of the of Landskrona Municipality and Count of Skåne,i.e. if I
and Mr. Glenn Björne share responsibility for the econtamination, Mr
Glenn Björne has a valid sentence why se are not sharing the cost
for th inspection? |
Richard Gronvius [mailto:richard.gronvius@ecolanum.org]
TO: Mark- och
miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (M 2134-24)
Mr. Gunnar Strömmer Minister for Justice, Sweden, Justitieminister
Members of
the Justitieutskottet The Swedish
European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties,
Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)
the Ombudsman for Justice (Justitieombudsmannen),
Administrative court Skåne
FROM: Richard Gronvius,
former UN
diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20
years of excellent work performance at IAEA award, co-worker to
Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA, managing
The botanical garden of the rewilded landscape,
1. I have deposited the
applications to
From: Richard
Gronvius <richard.gronvius@ecolanum.org>
Sent: 17
April 2024 21:42
To: 'Ola.Melin@lansstyrelsen.se';
'forvaltningsrattenimalmo@dom.se'; 'malin.bjork@europarl.europa.eu';
'par.holmgren@europarl.europa.eu'; 'evin.incir@europarl.europa.eu';
'alice.kuhnke@europarl.europa.eu'; 'tomas.tobe@europarl.europa.eu';
Cc: 'Mark-
och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt ';
'anna.starbrink@riksdagen.se'; 'fredrik.malm@riksdagen.se';
'robert.hannah@riksdagen.se'; 'mauricio.rojas@riksdagen.se';
Subject: the
case corruption in Sweden, www.ecolanum.org/w The Legal unit of
Region Skåne is undermining the legal principles in Sweden, the
court decision of Mark- och Miljödomstolen is contested by the lower
instance of regional unit. , dnr 39599-2023
Attachments: lansstyrelse_skane_39599-2023_jacobsson.pdf;
collaboration_in_corruption.jpg; tt_batra.jpg
Importance: High
Follow Up Flag: Follow
Flag Status: Flagged
to Head of
Region Skåne
to Förvaltningsrätten
i Malmö
-------------------------- copy of the relevant correspondence to Mark-
och miljödomstolen
TO: Mark-
och miljödomstolen, Växjö
Tingsrätt - M
From: Richard Gronvius
------------------------- English original
legally binding --- Swedish translation
below ------------------------------
Enligt råd och vägledning från mina kollegor vid FN och med hänsyn
till de etablerade protokollen enligt gällande lagar och regler,
måste jag avstå från att delta i överklagandeförfarandet gällande
den nyligen utförda bedömningen av den juridiska enheten i
Landskrona kommun/Region Skåne. Bedömningen anses vara olaglig och
strida mot grundläggande principer för demokratiska rättsstater
genom att ignorera och gå emot ett legitimt beslut från överordnade
juridiska instanser (ofta kallad som "förakt för domstol" inom
anglosaxisk rätt).
Dessutom finns det misstankar om potentiell korruption och
maktmissbruk inom Rättsenheten i Landskrona kommun/Region Skåne,
vilket bekräftas av ett giltigt utlåtande från Mark- och
miljödomstolen. Det är av yttersta vikt att poängtera att vi inte
har inlett något överklagande; vår avsikt är endast att lyfta fram
eventuella juridiska fel inom Rättsenheten i Landskrona
kommun/Region Skåne, som uppmanar oss att överklaga till mark- och
miljödomstolen vid Växjö tingsrätt, trots att detta strider mot
rättsliga principer och inte är möjligt att göra enligt gällande
corruption definition, precedence of the EU laws
Copy of all correspondence and documentation at www.ecolanum.org/w
Yours Sincerely,
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We bought our property on 3 April 2017 and we are convinced that the property was cleaned and the garbage was moved to the previous owner's neighboring property, as confirmed in the E-mail from one of the neighbours Mr. Anselius. The garbage was moved in front of his house. |
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Anselius make a photo from his plot as seen on the photo. |
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Dear Mr. Jesper Jacobssen Head Legal Unit, Region Skåne In view of the curent the abuses of the lagal framework in Sweden by the Governor Anna Kinberg Batra who is involved in corruption by recruiting friends without announcing the vacancy or abuse naked prisoners in the Swedish prison à la Abu Ghraib humiliation. Your staff Assessor Wallentin is issuing contradictory statements as both valid. This is a serious logical failure which is impossible to resolve. It is a logical madness which have to be resolved. 1. Are your (Länsstyrelse Skåne) pervious statement stating that it was not possible to discover the contamination still valid? This was your pervious assesment, what has changed so you approved the new conclusion of the Environment Protection Landskrona. There is no new evidence. 2. Are the valid statments from the higer court i.e. Mark and Miljödomstolen valid today? as your new statment is contradicting the conclusions of the higher court, i.e. Mark and Miljödomstolen. 3. So what do i have to appeal against. I have a valid statement of the Mark and Miljödomstol. A lower instance is not allowed to change a verdict of the higher legal instance.
We continue our social anthropological research on the ways citizens are intimidated, oppressed frightened. |
Lets review the capacity of Johanna Wallentin. She does not review the evidence. we suspect corruption, she pushes for conclusion without providing evidence for her statements. Is she requested to provide specific verdict. |
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page 2
page 3
page 4
page 5
page 6 översättning till engelska test i text
page 7 översättning till engelska test i text
overklagan.pdf |
www.ecolanum.org/ adm_plast_information_request |
2020-12-22 MMD |
2019-02-25 VÄXJÖ TINGSRÄTT |
MMD 2019-02-25 |
lansstyrelsen 2018-10-10 |
2018-05-07 Miljöförvaltningen |
sida 24 av 24 sidor i PDF version |
tidigare överklaganden av "särskild ordning" då jag vill inte finansiera
undergrävante av domstols utlåtanden.
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Tidigare bestridandet
e-mail rörande tidigare klagan
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