the full documentation of the case
OVERVIEW of the related web pages 
orientering på sajten, CLICK

  An  overview of the legal situation as assessed by the authorities
by "instances" we mean Landskrona Environment Protektion (Miljöförvaltningen) and the Legal Unit County Skåne (länsstyrelsen), supervisory legal body.
  There is one valid verdict from the court Mark och Miljödomstolen, Mr B. is guilty of contamination by abbandoning silage plactic in his goat farm.
Mr. B does not pay
  Lower Municipal and Regional  offices promote that Mr. G is also  guity. Mr G is writing books and has no agriculture nor husbandery activities. His company Ecolanum has ZERO expenditure, ZERO turnover, Zero income what can be see in the Internet.
  As the justice should  "blind" Mr. B is still responsible for the decontamination and fines (despite that he has no resources now,
  Meanwhile culpable Mr. Glenn Björne has transfered SEK 2.5 millions to his son in order to avoid paying for decontamination and fines
   Mr B should still be sentences to pay  any supervisory inspecion cost as he is "by the valid sentence" guilty of contamination and has to clean the property from esilage plast.
  Would Mr. B  had cleaned the property in 2017/2018 as ordered by courts would the current inspection not be necessary. The lawyers must see the logic of this matter. It is   judicially incorrect not to fine the guilty person i.e. Mr. B because he has no money now. Such behaviour , not to prosecute mr. B is discriminatory and will be rejected by any democratic state authorities.
  now the situation is that the person sentence Mr. B does not have to pay inspection costs and the person who is not sentenced has to pay inspection costs, the legal nightmare
  Currently we have the sentence against Mr. B from the highest instance and lower authorities who try to undermine the verdict of the highest court.
  Let us see how it looks

we have two verdicts one from the high court (Mark och Miljödomstolen) and the new one, contradictory to the  high court verdict from Länsstyrelsen Skåne which questions the high court.
(the old rulings are not cancelled)
I have to appeal to revert the verdict of Länsstyrelsen Skåne but the valid verdict is from the higher court.
It seems like a judicial madness.


From:                                                                       Richard Gronvius <>

Sent:                                                                         23 April 2024 22:59

To:                                                                            'Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt '; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Subject:                                                                   scandalous miscarriage of justice in Sweden, The Appeal, (överklagan) and request to annul i.e. put "de null"  the decision M 2134-2, Ms. Jarlbro does not understand English  and made errors in calendar mathematics

Attachments:  request_to_ammul_erroneous_decision_M2134-24_date 2024-04-23.pdf; request_to_defer_deadline_for_appeal.pdf; two_culpable_dnr_39599-2023.pdf; diagram_quick_overview_legal_situation.jpg


Importance:                                                            High


  DELIVER BY HAND TO the head of the Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt, .
 to: Mr Jacobsson, head Legal Unit County Skåne (länsstyrelsen)
      Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (temporary M 2134-24)
  (Land and Environmental Court)

Mr. Gunnar Strömmer Minister for Justice, Sweden, Justitieminister

Members of the Justitieutskottet The Swedish Parliament

Members European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

FROM: Richard Gronvius, former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy
Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at
IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,

SUBJECT: The Appeal, (överklagan) and request to annul i.e. put "de null"  the decision M 2134-24  due to the fact that  assessor Ms. Hanna Jarlbro does not understand English  and made errors in calendar mathematics.

1. The Appeal, (överklagan) and request to annul i.e. put "de null"  the decision M 2134-24 

request_to_ammul_erroneous_decision_M2134-24_date 2024-04-23.pdf

2. due to a confused legal situation I request defer a dead-line for the appeal until the legal instances are consulted abour the legal contradiction i.e.  Förvaltningsdomstolen, Jo, and eventually EU


3. confused situation
the old owner goat farm owner, left silage has no money to pay
the new owner ecology analyst, no agricultural activities, writes books
lower instances Landskrona/county Skåne question county verdict of higher court Mark och Miljödomstolen

4. diagram, overview of the legal confusion all issues at a single look A4 page


political philosophy blog

Yours Sincerely,


Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA

(I have an extensive experience in analysing legislation, agreement protocols related to the control of nuclear sites and material)

the attachement
 request_to_ammul_erroneous_decision_M2134-24_date 2024-04-23.pdf
full text below
                                                                         Sankt Ibb 2024-04-23

  DELIVER BY HAND TO the head of the  the Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt, .
 to: Mr Jacobsson, head Legal Unit County Skåne (länsstyrelsen)
      Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (temporary M 2134-24)
       Mr. Gunnar Strömer Minister for Justice, Sweden, Justitieminister
      Members of the Justitieutskottet The Swedish Parliament
      Members European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties,   
       Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

FROM: Richard Gronvius, former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy
Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at
IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,

SUBJECT: The Appeal, (överklagan) and request to annul i.e. put "de null"  the decision M 2134-24  due to the fact that  assessor Ms. Hanna Jarlbro does not understand English  and made errors in calendar mathematics.
see attachment A. below

See evidence that I have not yet appealed against Landskrona Municipality Länsstyrelsens i Skåne län beslut, 2024-04-02, I may applied after the rulling is reviewed by EU, JO and appeal courts.

unfortunatelly ms. Hanna Jarlbro does not understand english and thinks that I have appead to the Landskrona/Conty Skåne decision
see attachment request_to_defer_deadline_for_appeal.jpg
english Statement from the attachement

the google translation is as follows
"Här hittar du en översikt (se bilaga wallentin_overview.jpg) över den förvirrade rättsliga situationen. För närvarande är den enda giltiga domen från den högsta instansen på detta område, dvs Mark- och miljödomstolen (Mark- och miljödomstolen) och bedömningen av Landskronas miljöskyddsenhet strider mot den för närvarande gällande bedömningen och domen från Mark och Miljödomstolen.
Jag håller helt med om Mark- och Miljödomstolens nuvarande dom.
Berätta gärna hur det är möjligt för mig att överklaga ditt beslut när ditt beslut är juridiskt ogiltigt."
quotation "hur det är möjligt för mig att överklaga ditt beslut när ditt beslut är juridiskt ogiltigt".
It is clear that I am not able to appeal against such legally confused situation.
1. there are two culpable
2. the previous owner is guilty but has no money to pay for decontamination.
3.there two condratictory verdicts.  disqualification of the legal decison of the court Mark and Miljödomstolen

Therfore I am applying to defer the deadline for appeal  see attachment  request_to_defer_deadline_for_appeal.pdf until Fövaltningsdomstolen or/and  JO  or/and EU will privide their assesments
Ms. Jordbro erroneously assumed that the appeal dead-line has passed - it is wrong, the whole arrgumentation of Ms Jrodbro is at fault, see below
Delegations-beslut Landskrona beslut dnr Länsstyrelsen Skåne meddelande  formelt delgiven  3 veckor för överklagan slutar 
2017-690 39599-2023 2024-04-02 2024-04-05 2024-04-16 2024-05-07
Yours Sincerely,

Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,
I have an extensive experience in analysing legislation, agreement protocols related to the control of nuclear sites and material

attachment A



From:                                                                       Richard Gronvius <>

Sent:                                                                         22 April 2024 13:45

To:  ''; 'Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt '; ''

Subject:                                                                   .URGENT BRÅDSKANDE -  Is the previous owner of the Tuna 32:3  Mr. Glenn Björne  still guilty of contamination , Are there two persons who caused contamination with the silage plasti

Attachments:  two_culpable_dnr_39599-2023.pdf


Importance:                                                            High


TO:  Mr Jesper Jacobsson, Head Legal Unit County Skåne, Länsstyrelsen Skåne dnr: 39599-2023

Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (temporary M 2134-24)

FROM: Richard Gronvius, former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,

SUBJECT:  Please let  us know if the previous owner Mr. Glenn Björne is still guilty. Two contradictory verdicts are held valid in the Legal System. Is the Previous owner of the Tuna 32:3  Mr. Glenn Björne still guilty of contamination Are there two persons who caused contamination with the silage plastic?

See attachment “two_culpable_dnr_39599-2023.pdf”

Is Mr. Glenn Björne, the  previous owner of the Tuna 32:3  ( goat farm owner)  still guilty by causing the contamination of the plot by the silage plastic and guilty to pay the fines?

Also posted on

Please review and respond to the following issues; the judicial error of two contradicting verdicts/rulings  violates the fundamental principles shared by the EU countries and therefore  I am writing in English and addressing the wide audience concerned with the implementation of legal directives of the EU and in essence the democratic principles of our states.
I would appreciate if you could answer in English as I have initiated the EU based complaint process.

Yours Sincerely,

Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,
I have an extensive experience in analysing legislation, agreement protocols related to the control of nuclear sites and material

 attachment two_culpable_dnr_39599-2023.pdf
see under



From: Richard Gronvius []
Sent: 22 April 2024 20:45
To: 'Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt '
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: The Evidence that I have not yet filed an appeal against the Municipality Landskrona/County/Länsstyrelsen decisions (temporary M 2134-24) Skåne dnr: 39599-2023
Importance: High


From:                                                                       Richard Gronvius <>

Sent:                                                                         22 April 2024 20:45

To:                                                                            'Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt '

Cc:                                                                            ''; ''

Subject:                                                                   The Evidence that I have not yet filed an appeal against the Municipality Landskrona/County/Länsstyrelsen decisions  (temporary M 2134-24)  Skåne dnr: 39599-2023

Attachments:  no_appeal_filed_yet_2022-04-22.pdf


Importance:                                                            High



TO:  Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (temporary M 2134-24)  Skåne dnr: 39599-2023

FROM: Richard Gronvius, former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,

SUBJECT:  The Evidence that I have not yet filed an appeal against the Municipality Landskrona/County/Länsstyrelsen decisions  (temporary M 2134-24)  Skåne dnr: 39599-2023

The Evidence that I have not yet filed an appeal  see attachment “no_appeal_filed_yet_2022-04-22.pdf

Also posted on

Please review and respond to the following issues; the judicial error of two contradicting verdicts/rulings  violates the fundamental principles shared by the EU countries and therefore  I am writing in English and addressing the wide audience concerned with the implementation of legal directives of the EU and in essence the democratic principles of our states.
I would appreciate if you could answer in English as I have initiated the EU based complaint process.

Yours Sincerely,

Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,
I have an extensive experience in analysing legislation, agreement protocols related to the control of nuclear sites and material

the attachment
see below

                                                                         Sankt Ibb 2024-04-22
TO: Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (temporary M 2134-24)
FROM: Richard Gronvius, former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy
Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at
IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,
SUBJECT: The evidence that I have not yet appealed against Landskrona Municipality Länsstyrelsens i Skåne län beslut, 2024-04-02, I may applied after the rulling is reviewed by EU, JO and appeal courts.
information from Mark and Miljödomstolen which erronously assumes that i have filed an appeal against the statement of the County Länsstyrelsens i Skåne län beslut, 2024-04-02,
diarienummer 39599-2023


Parter: Richard Gronvius . /. Landskrona kommun, Miljönämnden
Målet gäller: Överklagande av Länsstyrelsens i Skåne län beslut, 2024-04-02,
diarienummer 39599-2023 angående beslut om föreläggande att ta bort plast, fastigheten
Tuna 32:3, Landskrona kommun
De bifogade handlingarna skickas till dig föf kännedom.
Mark- och miljödomstolen skickar härmed ut allt det material som mark- och
miljödomstolen har fått in avseende mål M 2134-24, till dig.
Mark- och miljödomstolen sänder dig även en kopia på domstolens dagboksblad, vilken
visar på att detta är materialet som finns hos domstolen. Mark- och miljödomstolen har
tidigare sänt ut ditt överklagande (aktbilaga 1) till dig (se aktbilaga 7).

Mark- och miljödomstolen väntar fortsatt på svar på frågan om du vidhåller ditt
överklagande (se aktbilaga 23).
Kontakta oss gärna per e-post eller telefon om du har frågor.
Mark- och miljödomstolen
Telefon 0470-560 130
  english translation
  Parties: Richard Gronvius . /. Landskrona Municipality, Environmental Committee
The case concerns: Appeal from the decision of the County Administrative Board in Skåne County, 2024-04-02,
diary number 39599-2023 regarding decision on injunction to remove plastic, the property
Tuna 32:3, Landskrona municipality
The attached documents are sent to you for your information.
The Land and Environmental Court hereby sends out all the material that land and
the environmental court has received regarding case M 2134-24, to you.
The Land and Environment Court will also send you a copy of the court's diary sheet, which
shows that this is the material available to the court. The Land and Environmental Court has
previously sent your appeal (file attachment 1) to you (see file attachment 7).
The Land and Environmental Court is still waiting for an answer to the question of whether you maintain yours
appeal (see file attachment 23).
Feel free to contact us by e-mail or telephone if you have any questions.
The Land and Environment Court
Telephone 0470-560 130

A hypothetical question, showing the irrationality of the decision of the of Landskrona Municipality and Count of Skåne,i.e. if  I and Mr. Glenn Björne share responsibility for the econtamination, Mr Glenn Björne has a valid sentence why se are not sharing the cost for th inspection?
Below  is  the full overview of the communication starting  with the oldest dated 2024-04-10 taking the extracts related to the word  "appeal." 
Reviewing all documents there is no evidence of any attempt to make an appeal.
I am repeating that due to the confused legal quality of the verdict, contradiction, simultaneously valid opposing documents, logically and legally, persist  a situation which make it impossible to appeal to the verdict as it i not clear which verdict is valid?
Hence I repeat my previous statement
I may appeal to the decision later on when the legal situation is clarified by the EU, JO and Court "förvaltningsdomstolen"

2024-04-21 to Mark och Miljödomstolen






2024-04-17 To Mark och Miljödomstolen






2024.04-15 to Jacobsson




2024-04.10 to Jacobssen



Above is  the  document file which court "Mark och Miljödomstolen"  assummed as an application for the appeal, it is absolutelly wrong assumption. I am saying that I can not honor (consider worth attention) any other verdic as any other verdict from County (länsstyrelsen) is legally invalid (ogiltig) "de null" i.e.  undermines the principle of the democratic state.

2024-04.10  to Jacobsson


A. Would it be possible for me to get the name of the person who is dealing with my case, according to the transparency of the legal proceedings

Yours Sincerely,

Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA,
I have an extensive experience in analysing legislation, agreement protocols related to the control of nuclear sites and material

From: Richard Gronvius []
Sent: 21 April 2024 23:20
To: 'Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt '; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Subject: please defer the deadline for the appeal until the requested for the assessments are received from the EU commission, Justitieombudsmannen (the Ombudsman for Justice ) , Förvaltningsrätten i Skåne

Importance: High


TO:    Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt – (M 2134-24)
Land and Environmental Court)

Mr. Gunnar Strömmer Minister for Justice, Sweden, Justitieminister

Members of the Justitieutskottet The Swedish Parliament

Members European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)


the Ombudsman for Justice  (Justitieombudsmannen), Administrative court Skåne

(PREAMBLE: I am sorry but as a personal feeling, based on my personal individual experience, I feel, I am not able to trust fully the Swedish legal system, especially when one does not follow the Law of Jante (Jantelagen) see, The current illustration;  the obviously corrupt  (EU definition, see attachment “corruption1.jpg”) governor Anna Kinvall Batra still stays in office. In addition, I am not receiving the essential information in order to exercise my civil rights, hence wide distribution of my case, in order,  not to be “squashed” in the process)

please defer the deadline for the appeal until the requested for the assessments are received from the EU commission, Justitieombudsmannen, (the Ombudsman for Justice ) Förvaltningsrätten i Skåne (Administrative court Skåne)

FROM: Richard Gronvius, former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA, managing  The  botanical garden of the rewilded landscape,   


1. I have deposited the applications to
the EU commission, (compliance with the EU directives)
(on the issue of legal compliance) Förvaltningsdomstolen (on the issue of several failures in adherence to administrative regulations and braches of the legal framework) i Skåne , hence
defer the deadline for the appeal until the assessment from the EU commission, Justitieombudsmannen Förvaltningsrätten i Skåne are received.

(The EU commission as I know, before initiating  the review  will await on the decision of the JO and other national bodies before proceeding)

1. Awaiting answers to my requests for clarifications from the EU, JO och Förvaltningsdomstolen 
Please let me know

1.1. On what legal grounds it can be assumed that the ruling of the Länsstyrelsen Skåne (County Skåne) may take precedence over legally binding higher legal court i.e. Mark and Miljödomstolen (Land and Environmental Court)  verdict in this matter. ? .
(a fundamental issue of the Legal principles of the democratic states , without this clarification I will not be able to complete my appeal, hence it may violate my right to defend myself,  i.e. restrict my citizens’ rights)

1.2. In the situation I would not appeal to the statement of the Landskrona Municipality and Länsstyrelsen Skåne, will the  verdict of the court Mark och Miljödomstolen (Land and Environmental Court)  become  invalid despite that Mark och Miljödomstolen is the higher legal instance?

2. I am underlying that until now I did not appeal to the sentence of the Länsstyrelsen Skåne but may do it later. (I  have pointed out in the previous letter “ dated 2024-04-17 “Det är av yttersta vikt att poängtera att vi inte har inlett något överklagande; ” (English: It is utterly important to point out that I have not initiated any appeal”)
I did not use any communication formally requesting an appeal.
I have previously in e-mail 2024-04-16  requested a copy of the communication on which you make an assumption that I appeal to the sentence of County Region Skåne, Länsstyrelsen Skåne (I am still waiting for these documents)
Med hänvisning till GDPR-reglerna, vänligen skicka mig, så snart som möjligt, en kopia av de "felaktiga" överklagandokument som skickats av Länsstyrelsen Skåne.”
(English translation, "With reference to the GDPR regulations, please send me, as soon as possible, a copy of the "incorrect" appeal documents sent by the County Administrative Board/ Länsstyrelsen Skåne.")
Please provide the requested documents as above..

3. Please provide me copies of all documents/case files in this case (all aktbilagor/case documents) essential for my further actions and evidence in may applications to review and obtain the legal assessment of the contradictory rulings.

political philosophy blog

Yours Sincerely,


Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA

(I have an extensive experience in analysing legislation, agreement protocols related to the control of nuclear sites and material)

From:                                                                       Richard Gronvius <>

Sent:                                                                         17 April 2024 21:42

To:  ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Cc:                                                                            'Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt '; 'anna.starbrink@­'; 'fredrik.malm@­'; 'robert.hannah@­'; 'mauricio.rojas@­'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Subject:                                                                   the case corruption in Sweden, The Legal unit of Region Skåne is undermining the legal principles in Sweden, the court decision of Mark- och Miljödomstolen is contested by the lower instance of regional unit. , dnr 39599-2023

Attachments:  lansstyrelse_skane_39599-2023_jacobsson.pdf; collaboration_in_corruption.jpg; tt_batra.jpg


Importance:                                                            High


Follow Up Flag:                                                      Follow up

Flag Status:                                                             Flagged


to Head of Region Skåne


to Förvaltningsrätten i Malmö

to the Swedish Members of the European Parliament (to make sure the EU anti-corruption laws are incorporated into the Swedish legislation, referring to the corruption case of Anna Kinberg Batra see
philosophical background,,,,,,,,,,,,,


dnr 39599-2023 
Länsstyrelsen Skåne (suspicion of corruption)


-------------------------- copy of the relevant  correspondence to Mark- och miljödomstolen

TO: Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt - M 2134-24

SUBJECT: I have not deposited any appeal against decision diarienummer 39599-2023

From: Richard Gronvius

------------------------- English original legally binding ---  Swedish translation below ------------------------------
Advised by my colleague lawyers from the UN job, accounting for the formal framework, I am not able to participate in the appeal procedures against the new assessment of the Landskrona Municipality/Region Skåne Legal Unit, as such new assessment is illegal and undermines the principles of the legal framework of  the Democratic Countries by negating and opposing the valid verdict of the higher legal instance. (in Anglo-Saxon terminology “contempt for court”)

In addition we suspect that there is underlying corruption and power abuse in the Landskrona Municipality/Region Skåne Legal Unit,. There is  already valid legal statement from the 
Till Mark- och Miljödomstolen.
We never placed an appeal, we are just trying to show the legal incorrectness of the Landskrona Municipality/Region Skåne Legal Unit which asks me to appeal to Mark- och miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt what is not possible according to the legal principles.

-------------------------------- Svensk övrsättning -------------------------------

Enligt råd och vägledning från mina kollegor vid FN och med hänsyn till de etablerade protokollen enligt gällande lagar och regler, måste jag avstå från att delta i överklagandeförfarandet gällande den nyligen utförda bedömningen av den juridiska enheten i Landskrona kommun/Region Skåne. Bedömningen anses vara olaglig och strida mot grundläggande principer för demokratiska rättsstater genom att ignorera och gå emot ett legitimt beslut från överordnade juridiska instanser (ofta kallad som "förakt för domstol" inom anglosaxisk rätt).


Dessutom finns det misstankar om potentiell korruption och maktmissbruk inom Rättsenheten i Landskrona kommun/Region Skåne, vilket bekräftas av ett giltigt utlåtande från Mark- och miljödomstolen. Det är av yttersta vikt att poängtera att vi inte har inlett något överklagande; vår avsikt är endast att lyfta fram eventuella juridiska fel inom Rättsenheten i Landskrona kommun/Region Skåne, som uppmanar oss att överklaga till mark- och miljödomstolen vid Växjö tingsrätt, trots att detta strider mot rättsliga principer och inte är möjligt att göra enligt gällande lagstiftning.




EU corruption definition, precedence of the EU laws





Copy of all correspondence and documentation at
verified X (twitter ) account


Yours Sincerely,
Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety
20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA  award, co-worker to  Hans Blix
Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA



Mr. Jesper Jacobsson, Head Legal Unit Länsstyrelsen Skåne
Mr. Ola Melin Länsöverdirektör i Skåne

To: Förvaltningsrätten i Malmö

To:Mr. Gunnar Strömmer   Minister for Justice, Sweden, Justitieminister

To: members of the justitieutskottet

To: Mr. Didier Reynders, Justice and Consumers 
To: 'Registrator Mark- och Miljödomstolen Växjö for information only


Referring to the rejection of my appeal by the Region of Skåne (Länsstyrelsen Skåne) against the Landskrona Municipality/Länsstyrelsen Skåne (Region Skåne) dnr  39599-2023 which conflicts with the current valid verdict from the higher court “Mark- och Miljödomstolen, Växjö Tingsrätt”), it is clear that there is sufficient reason to annul the new statement from the Landskrona Municipality on the grounds that it contradicts and nullifies a valid court decision. This violates the legal principle of democracy.

I am only able to respect the legally valid decision of the court Mark- och Miljödomstolen and cannot comply with the decision of the Landskrona Municipality/Länsstyrelsen Skåne (Region Skåne). Therefore, I cannot participate in undermining valid court decisions and disrupting the current legal system. At present, we are unable to appeal the decision of the Landskrona Municipality/Länsstyrelsen Skåne (Region Skåne) as it is legally invalid.

There are indications of corruption from Mr. Hanak (Landskrona Municipality) and subsequent corruption pursued by Ms. Wallentin from the Region of Skåne (Länsstyrelsen Skåne). I am using the EU’s definition of corruption in this context. The legal office of Region Skåne, in their verdict dated 2018-10-10, clearly states that before 2017-04-04, the plastic waste was moved by the previous owner Mr. Glen Björne to his neighboring property 25:12, as explicitly stated in the previous assessment of Region Skåne. (see quotes below) This information is based on the confirmation by the Real Estate agent and others that the previous owner removed the plastic to his property. We did not have any better expertise or reason to question the statement that all plastic waste had been removed.


We purchased the property Tuna 32:3 on 2017-04-03. Quotes from the legal unit of Region Skåne confirm on 2018-10-10 that the previous owner, Mr. Glenn Björne, is undisputedly responsible for the plastic contamination.

Additionally, our company, Ecolanum AB, is solely used for the corporate identification and presentation of our research projects and does not engage in any agricultural or animal husbandry activities, as can be easily verified by looking at our company's financial data. All economic figures, including turnover, expenditure, and income, are currently at zero.

We are requesting Länsstyrelsen Skåne  legal unit (Region Skåne) to suspend all decisions and actions until the relevant administrative courts have reviewed the legal formality of current situation and assessed the conformity of the decisions made by Landskrona and Länsstyrelsen Skåne with the legal principles in Sweden, particularly in regard to undermining and disregarding the analysis, assessments, and rulings of the higher courts.

Copy of all correspondence at
verified X (twitter ) account

Yours Sincerely,
Richard Gronvius
former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Safety 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA , co-worker to  Hans Blix
Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA

Attachment EU’s definition of Corruption
EU’s definition of corruption


We bought our property on 3 April 2017 and we are convinced that the property was cleaned and the garbage was moved to the previous owner's neighboring property, as confirmed in the E-mail from one of the neighbours Mr. Anselius. The garbage was moved in front of his house.
Anselius make a photo from his plot as seen on the photo.


Dear Mr. Jesper Jacobssen
Head Legal Unit, Region Skåne

In view of  the curent the abuses of the lagal framework in Sweden by the Governor Anna Kinberg Batra who is involved in corruption by recruiting friends without announcing the vacancy or abuse naked prisoners in the Swedish prison  à la Abu Ghraib humiliation.

Your staff Assessor Wallentin  is issuing contradictory statements as both valid. This is a serious logical failure which is impossible to resolve. It is a logical madness which have to be resolved.

1. Are your (Länsstyrelse Skåne) pervious statement stating that it was not possible to discover the contamination still valid? This was your pervious assesment, what has changed so you approved the new conclusion of the Environment Protection Landskrona. There is no new evidence.

2. Are the valid statments from the higer court i.e. Mark and Miljödomstolen valid today?  as your new statment is contradicting the conclusions of the higher court, i.e. Mark and Miljödomstolen.

3. So what do i have to appeal against. I have a valid statement of the Mark and Miljödomstol. A lower instance is not allowed to change a verdict of the higher legal instance.

A definition of cognitive disonance occures if someone considers both (A) and (not A) as true.  Assessor Ms. Wallentin considers both (A) and (not A) to be trut at the same time. He is an example.
All previous statements both from Environmental Protection Landskron (who stated in a Email that the plastic was moved to the previous owner to his property, see the pictures), Länsstyrelksen Skåne and Mark och Miljödomstolen higher court(state that there was no visible plastic as even miljönämnden could not see it.
At the same time Ms. Walentin now ,7 years later in her dream or mystical  revelations  states that we should have seen plastic hidden in the manure but how, by  the fifth sense i suppose, or röntgen or how. To assume opposite without any evidence i could be a state of serious mental conddition. Below one can see plastic embedded in the manure.

the nighbour complains that the plastic was moved infront of his house

The silage plastic moved away fom our property, red point is a location of the moved plastic

silage plastic moved to the previous owner's property 25:12 which he maintained after selling other part to us

We continue our social anthropological research on the ways citizens are intimidated, oppressed frightened.
Lets review the capacity of Johanna Wallentin.
She does not review the evidence. we suspect corruption, she pushes for conclusion without providing evidence for her statements. Is she requested to provide specific verdict.

  recieved 2024-04-04 by standard mail 

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översättning till engelska
test i text


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översättning till engelska
test i text


the evidence totally disregarded by the Ms. Johanna Wallentin
According to all involved parts the plastic was moved from our mark, plot 32:3 to the Björnes mark 25:12. The part which stayed in the ownership of Björne. We assumed all problems were solve.

enligt information som vi fick från Miljöförvaltningen är plasten flyttad från vår tomt men Jörgen Hanak vet inte om vilken plast handlar det om, missförstånd inom miljöförvaltiningen.




Det beklagliga föreläggandet bygger på en framställning som försöker argumentera med
- presenterar felaktig information,
- bristande respekt för det juridiska systemet
- bristande förståelse för den juridiska strukturen,
- underlåtelse att förhindra att föra ägaren undanskaffar finansiella resurser av 2.7 millioner kronor.
- avsaknad av förståelse av orsakssammanhang och felaktig och falsk tillskrivelse av orsaker med en påföljd av en villkorlig penalism.
- villkorliga och falsk  så kallade fakta antaganden utan grund
- bristande insikt i de aktiviteter vi bedriver, nämligen Botanisk Trädgård.

Kommunen gjorde ett kapital misstag när de tolererade överföringen av äganderätten av tomten TUNA 25:12 från Glenn Björne, som hade skulder, till hans son Lucas. Detta resulterade i att de resurser som kommunen behövde för att sanera TUNA 32:3 från ensilageplasten blev undangömda.
Bristen på logisk och saklig sammanhang kan endast förklaras av irrationella motiv som bygger på personliga vendettor och straff för satiriska inlägg i X (tidigare twitter). Det framstår som ett maktmissbruk för att vi uppmärksammar situationen på internationell nivå och innehåller emotionella element av bestraffning och trakassering.

Miljöförvaltningen har uppmärksammat utmaningar i produktionen av Glenn och Björne getost sedan minst två år före förvärvet av fastigheten av oss. Kommunen har inte vidtagit några åtgärder i samband med detta.
JAg känner mycket väl detta i totalitära stater i mit jobb som FN diplomat inom nuclear safety och tillhörande kontroller av "production of nuclear material and storage procedures."


det uppkommer inget avfall i vår verksamhet

Det verkar som att en passagerare har åkt utan att betala och nu saknar pengar för att täcka avgiften. Som den person som sitter på denne passagerares plats, måste jag stå för kostnaden för dennes förseelse. Löjligt


enligt mäklaren allt nädskräpning är omhädertagen
se (komplettering begärt)

Från detta meddelande kan det tydligt utläsas att vi först i 2018 upptäckte att gödseln är blandad med plast från ensilage. En bild bifogas i mejlet, där det syns tydligt att det inte finns någon plast på utsidan. Eventuella problem som uppstod med stora bitar takfolie har vi hanterat genom att korrekt bortskaffa trasig takfolie.-
Den nya fastighetsägaren har aldrig  accepterat eller tagit över ansvaret för Björnes fårskötsel. Alla djur har flyttade  ut av Björne.
På fastigheten fanns ingen utkörniung av ensilage avfall. Istället lämnades ensilageplast på de platser där foder gavs, täckt av strå och gödsel. Detta gjorde att ensilageplasten var inbäddad i gödsel och osynlig i ett lager av en meters djup.-
Det finns flera tidigare delegationbeslut i samma ärende som har grundats på samma faktaförhållanden. Dessa beslut har fått sitt rättsliga och orsaksmässiga stöd (reinforced) av överordnade instanser och domstolar. Det som betraktas som korrekt och motiverat av sådana överordnade instanser kan inte ogiltigförklaras av en lägre instans. Att agera på ett sådant sätt underminerar demokratin och  förtroendet för myndigheter och rättssystemet, och i förlängningen rättssäkerheten.
Enligt alla källor allt avfall avlägsnades av Björne innan vi flyttade och bekräftades av mäklaren. Han flyttade tydligt synligt avfall av ensilage till sin fastighet TUNA 25:12, vilket rapporterades av Kjell Asenius och dokumenterades med fotografier. Vid övertagandet av fastigheten såg vi ingen tensilage nedskräpning. Detta fick oss att tro att allt var borttaget. Vi var inte medvetna om att ensilageplasten var inbäddad i gödseln.

enligt mäklaren allt nädskräpning är omhädertagen
 Ett sådant handlande inom den ekonomiska sektorn kan betraktas som bedrägeri.

Jag har inte begärt något besök på plats, och jag har inte heller fått information om att en tillsynsavgift kommer att tas ut. Det här strider mot grundläggande principer för kostnadshantering när det gäller mottagare av tjänster.
Allt nedskräpning avlägsnades från vår tomt påstår Björne, Mäklaren och Miljöförvaltningen. 
Granne Anselius  ta bilden på skräpet som Björne avlägsnade från vår tomt och deponerade  på sin tomt  på TUNA 25:12 framför Anselius hus.

Utsagan ovan är komplett falsk, illvillig, avsiktligt missvisande insinuation av handläggaren och  vittnar om maktmissbruk och mobbing.
Björne påstår att han har flyttat allt plast till sin närliggande tomt 25:12
Björne ansvarade för att ta hand om all slags nedskräpning innan vi flyttade in, vilket också bekräftades av mäklaren. Han flyttade det synliga avfall som bestod av ensilage till sin fastighet  TUNA 25:12, vilket blev rapporterat av Kjell Anselius och dokumenterades. Vid övertagandet av fastigheten var ingen synlig nedskräpning någonstans att se. Detta fick oss att tro att allt hade blivit borttaget. Vi hade ingen aning om att ensilageplast var inbäddat i gödseln.

Björne meddelar FÖRVALTNING - MIL att avfall har blivit flyttad till Björnes egen tomt TUNA 25:12  

Mark- och miljödomstolen bifaller ansökningarna och förpliktar Glenn Björne, 19511108-4116, att till staten betala vite om totalt 87 500 kronor. 



Överklagande av Länsstyrelsens i Skåne beslut 2018-10-10 dnr 505-29698-2018 ang föreläggande att avlägsna avfall från fastigheten Tuna 32:3 Landskrona kommun 


Överklagande av kommuns om föreläggande att avlägsna avfall från fastigheten Tuna 32:3, Landskrona kommun


Föreläggande vid vite om att avlägsna avfall från fastigheten Tuna 32:3


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