file name of this document is "MAIN_COMPLAINT_addressed_to_Supreme_Court_Sweden_2024-11-12.pdf" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024-11-12 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
till the Supreme Court of Sweden, Högst Domstolen HD ÖM 7325-24 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject: Complaint related to significant substantive and procedural irregularities and errors committed by; Municipality of Landskrona (Miljöförvaltningen) dnr. 39599-2023. Skåne County, Legal Unit (Länsstyrelsen Skåne), dnr. 3168-2024 Land and Environment, Växjö (Mark och Miljödomstolen) målnr. M 2134-24 Land and Environment, superior court (Mark och Miljööverdomstolen) målnr. ÖM 5644-24 The administrative court Malmö (Förvaltningsrätten i Malmö), målnr. 5837-24 Administrative Court Göteborg (Kammarrätten Göteborg) Målnr 6178-24 |
Richard Gronvius former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy agency, age 76. Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA |
there is another deadline 2024-12-05 |
(Preamble, Personal note: I immediately discovered that the Municipality of Landskrona acts in mala fide, as part of personal vengeance and bullying as punishment for my criticism and satirical statements. I have since contacted my colleagues, lawyers from the UN International Atomic Energy Agency, who have been advising me. This is one of the reasons I write certain parts in English. I am accustomed to analyzing legal and technical agreements and have extensive experience with manipulations and deceits. Anticipating future problems, I informally contacted (beginning of 2023)Boel Kvist, the head of Landskrona's Legal Unit, and Mr. Jesper Jacobsson, head of the Legal Unit Skåne, County suggesting them to convince the Landskrona Environment unit to withdraw their legally disastrous and fabricated nonsense statement, which indicates that I have taken over the activities from the previous owner (goat farmer) contaminating the property with the plastic. Such accusation against 76 years old, poor health former diplomat contradicts numerous valid verdicts against the previous owner (a goat farmer), but to no avail.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The key statement from the Länsstyrelsen Skåne (legal unit) which states quotation below from the statement dnr. 3168-2024, repeating initial false evidence of Landskrona Municipality.
attached document addressed to the
FÖRVALTNINGSRÄTTEN I MALMÖ målnr. 5837-24 shows that i have delivered the main document in time 2024-07-29 with exact specification of the sentences I want to be annulled
In case the statement from Landskrona Municipality is held as valid then all those legal statements and verdicts have to be analyzed in terms causality and legal correctness and verdicts must be invalidated other wise we have condradictory verdicts, what violiates the legal priciples. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following metaphor applies
The case dnr. 39599-2023 if accepted, is like sentencing a person "A" for killing X in the year 2016 and then sentencing somone else "B" for killing X in the year 2023 again, - and keeping both contradicting verdicts to be true. |
Below dozes of legal statements and verdict issued by Mark and Miljödomstolen against the previous owner Glenn Björne and still valid the legal statements will be send in several files | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Valid_verdicts_against_Glenn_Björne_by Mark_and_Miljödomstolen.pdf" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
GRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF THE CASE "OVERVIEW.PDF" attached in the E-mail as a file |
mvh Richard Gronvius former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy agency, age 76. Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA |
2024-11-05 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
till Förvaltningsrätten i Malmö till Högsta Domstolen |
ämne: begäran om kopior av samtliga dokument i målet Målnr 6178-24 enligt Förvaltningsrätten i Malmö beteckning |
Richard Gronvius former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy agency, age 76. Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA |
Det förefaller som att Kammarrätten i Göteborg inte
har fått ett komplett underlag och därför varit ovetande om
vilket beslut den klagande åberopat. Detta utgör ett
allvarligt fel som underminerar rättssäkerheten.
Jag begär därför kopior av samtliga dokument i målet Målnr 6178-24 enligt Förvaltningsrätten i Malmö beteckning Ingen överklagan kan anses möjlig om administrativa fel har förekommit och dokumentation har förmedlats felaktigt, vilket resulterat i att Kammarrättens i Göteborg beslut baserats på felaktiga grunder, detta strider mot rättssäkerhetens principer. Här är förvirrande förklaring från Kammarrätten i Göteborg daterad 2024-11-04 som jag adresserar
Alla dokument som skickades till Kammarätten i Göteborg anslutes i bilagan. speciellt Begäran om anstånd Mål nr 6178-24.pdf” som innehåller alla referenser se utdrag här nedan
Brevet med informationen (all målnr) ovan skickades till Kammarätten i Göteborg av klaganden, samtidigt Kammarrätten borde ha fått alla dokument från Förvaltningsdomstolen i Malmö. - har detta hänt? ---------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() --------------------------------------------------------------- Tillgång till alla dokument som Förvaltningsrätten i Malmö skickade till Kammarrätten är avgörande. Om sådana fel har skett bör tidsfristen för överklagan (till Kammarräten i Göteborg och Högsta Domstolen) förlängas |
kort översikt av fallet se "samman.pdf" | ||||||||||||||||||||||
mvh Richard Gronvius former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy agency, age 76. Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA |
referens till tidigare dokument | |
2024-11-04 | |
till Kammarrättsrådet Lars Dahlström Förvaltningsrätten i Göteborg | |
För att kunna överklaga ert beslut behöver jag en förtydligande motivering av ert beslut. Ni har uppgett att "Förvaltningsrättens avgörande står därför fast" Den enda bedömningen som gjordes av förvaltningsrätten i Malmö tycks vara att mitt överklagande inkom för sent, vilket ledde till dess avslag. Förvaltnigsrätten i Malmö skriver
Enligt min uppfattning har Malmö inte tillhandahållit någon analys eller gjort några materiella bedömningar i sakfrågan, utan har endast bedömt tiden för inlämnandet av mitt överklagande. Kan jag tolka ert beslut som att det enbart rör inlämningstiden, utan någon prövning i sak dvs ingen laglighetsprövning som Ni inte heller genomförde.? Vänligen meddela om mitt överklagande enbart ska avse vad som tycks vara en felaktig bedömning av tidsfristen, med hänsyn till att beslutet inte gör någon hänvisning till sakfrågan. |
2024-10-29 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Till: Kammarrätten Göteborg, Högsta Domstolen | |||||||||||||||||||||
Richard Gronvius former UN diplomat/international Atomic Energy agency, age 76. Nuclear Safety, 20 years of excellent work performance at IAEA award, co-worker to Hans Blix, Peace Nobel Prize in 2005 as employee of IAEA |
![]() |
legal disaster in Sweden In light of the seriousness of the situation, I am working on complaints to the relevant legal institution against the sever manipulation of the legal processes. |
1. A complaint regarding manipulation and a lie that i have missed a deadline to complain to the Förvaltningsrätten Malmö. I have delivered my complaint in time on 2024-07-29. |
2. A complain against the fabrication of facts by the Mark- och Miljödomstolar and Mark- och Miljööverdomstolar which tried to avoid any substansive analysis and fabricated he false fact that i have appealed against the decision of Landskronas Miljlförvaltningen. |
3. An appeal against substantive errors (error facti) and procedural errors (error juris) committed by the Environmental Department (Miljlförvaltningen) of Landskrona and the County Administrative Board of Malmö, including disregard for the legal framework by undermining legally binding decisions from higher legal authorities (at least 12 still valid verdicts), as well as the fabrication of facts, based on the false claim that the new owner, a former UN diplomat aged 76, is continuing agricultural activities. |
Sequence of legal actions, starting at 1. None of the appeal courts 3,4,5 make any substanssive decisions just fabricate false "facts" and manipulate procedures |
(förvgöt) | ||
An application for deferring the deadline. It is a violation of the democratic right to prevent me to have insight into the previous verdicts against the previous owner. (goat farmer) |
letter/brev to Superme court and Kammarrätten |
documents delivered to Förvaltningsrätten Malmö and Kammarräten i Göteborg |
Av förmela grunder KAN VI INTE ÖVERKLAGA DET NYA BESLUTET AV LANDSKRONA MILJÖFÖRVALTNING TILL Mark och Miljödomstolen samt Mark och Miljööverdomstolen då dessa domstolar har utfördat 2018-2022 fler än 12 domslut I SAMMA ÄRENDE MOT DEN TIDIGARE ÄGAREN (GET FARMER) ALLA DESSA DOMSLUT ÄR FORTFARANDE GILTIGA OCH I LAGA KRAFT. | ||
documents delivered to Förvaltningsrätten Malmö |
delivered by mail on | |
"delkomplettering_media_part1" | 2024-09-03 | |
MAIN_document_2024-07-29_request_to_correct_decisions_processes.pdf | 2024-07-29 | |
addenda | ||
1. "summary_illicit_actions.pdf" | 2024-07-29 | |
addtional addenda | ||
2. "undermining_legal_order_ in_sweden_landskrona_dnr_39599-2023_date_2024-02-05.pdf" |
2024-07-31 | |
3. “new_owner_no_agricultural_activity.pdf" | 2024-07-31 | |
4. ”överklagan_dnr_39599-2023_to_länsstyrelsen.pdf” | 2024-07-31 | |
5. "VI_GÖR_INGEN_ÖVERKLAGAN_to_ Mark_o_Miljödomstolen_2024-04-17.pdf" |
2024-07-31 | |
6. "request_to_annul_erroneous_decision_ M2134-24_date 2024-04-23.pdf" |
2024-07-31 | |
7.“request_to_correct_erros_in_your_l etters_2024_06_25_and_2024_07_04.pdf” |
2024-07-31 | |
8. “consultations_with_legal_ experts_on_X_(TWITTER).pdf” |
2024-07-31 | |
several additional documents were delivered before 2024-07-29 | & |
Please allow me to summarize the sequence of factual errors and errors in law, along with the failure to follow legal procedures. I would appreciate it if you could grant me the right to correspond in the English language. As the retired UN diplomat, 76 year old, I have legal experience in the English language in the field of international control of nuclear safety and non-proliferation agreements. |
I understand that the various instances try to save their face but the legal judgements should be impartial and blind for any irrelevant issues such as Law of Jante and not used for silencing criticism of environmental failures. | |||||
I.) The Landskrona Municipality commits legal errors (Error Juris) | |||||
I.a )
A serious formal legal error, referred to as Errors Juris, occurs
when questioning and undermining an existing verdict from higher
legal authorities. |
I.b ) The Landskrona Municipality (accepted
by the County of Scania) manipulates the evidence, insinuating that
the contamination of the property was not known prior to the year
2017, which is untrue. The verdict of the Administrative Court
(Förvaltningsrätten Malmö) clearly addresses problems as early as
2015. |
www.ecolanum.org\adm_plast_jus_forvalt\ format in pdf | |||||
II.) Landskrona Municipality commits two fundamental factual error i.e. (Error Facti) | |||||
II.a.) Factual error, (Error Facti) Landskrona Municipality is insinuated that the new owner, a retired UN diplomat who purchased the property in 2017 and moved to Sweden, at the age of 76, is conducting agricultural activities. | |||||
II.b) Secondly, there was an erroneous assumption that the new owner was capable of detecting pieces of ensilage plastic buried in the goat manure, despite the Landskrona Municipality stating in April 2017 that the garbage had been removed from the Tuna 32:2 property. | |||||
III.) Subsequent judicial errors, known as Error Juris, are evident in this case, showing a manipulation of the facts by the Land and Environment Courts. (Mark och Miljödomstolen samt Mark och Miljööverdomstolen) | |||||
The court insinuated that I
had appealed to the decision of the Scania County Legal Unit, which
is clearly false. Despite my application to defer the decision until
the legal process is verified, especially concerning the undermining
of valid verdicts from higher courts, the court in 2024 manipulated
the logic and legal process manipulating facts and stated that I had
APPEAL. Despite my numerous e-mails clearly stating that I had not
filed an appeal in order to avoid violating the legal rules of the
verdict sequence. The verdicts of the Land and Environment Court
between 2018 and 2022 assigned the entire responsibility to the
previous owner, Mr. Glen Björne, and these verdicts are still valid.
I cannot appeal against an illegal process that undermines valid
verdicts and violates the legal principles of the legal hierarchy of
We have here a case of derailment of the legal procedure, how could this occure in Sweden? From my side, this is about principle: the principles of democracy and the states that are governed by the rule of law. During my work as a UN diplomat, I have always believed in the value of states based on the sovereignty of citizens governed by law. My effort to correct the aberration of legal procedures described below and my defense are not motivated by personal reasons but by my beliefs in democratic values. The authorities are trying to save face for the Municipality of Landskrona legal system in order not to admit the embarrasing case of abuse of the legal system by Municipality of Landskrona to punish a critic of the failures to protect the environment. |
main | ||
ven_adm | ||
2015 |