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whistleblowing - a deposit of observation about abuse of power and contempt for the legal system by the communal authorities in Landskrona.
(deposited 2023-11-28)


From: Richard Gronvius <>

Sent: 28 November 2023 00:46

To: 'Kvist, Boel - STA'; 'Anderberg, Pernilla - STA'; 'Strandberg, Torkild - POL'; 'Hanak, Jörgen - MIL'; 'Nilsson, Johan - SB'; 'Mauritzsson, Christina - MIL'; ''; ''; ''

Cc: 'Flinth, Lisa - POL'; ''; ''

Subject: whistleblowing - a deposit of observation about abuse of power and contempt for the legal system by the communal authorities in Landskrona.

whistleblowing_abuse_of_power_contempt_for_courts_landskrona_commune.pdf;  whistleblowing_abuse_of_power_contempt_for_courts_landskrona_commune
_court_verdicts.pdf; the_X_copy_of_this_email_dated_2023-11-28.jpg


Importance: High


Flag Status: Flagged


Dear all,
TO: Boel Kvist,,  Chef för juridiska avdelningen
Jörgen Hanak, Miljöchef Landskrona
Lisa Flinth Landskrona Kommunfullmäktiges ordförande
Johan Nilsson,,  Förvaltningschef
Christina Mauritzsson,, miljöförvaltning

Sandra Danielsson, , miljöförvaltning
reneneweuropegroup@europarl.europa EU liberals liberalerna MEP

SUBJECT: whistleblowing - a deposit of observation about abuse of power and contempt for the legal system by the communal authorities in Landskrona.
please confirm the registration of the complaint


Boel Kvist, Head of the legal department Landskrona writes

"The city of Landskrona has for a long time had an e-service where employees of both the city and the city's municipal company can report misconduct that falls within the scope of the whistleblower function.

The city's e-service and more information about it can be found here: Visselblåsare - anmälan - Landskrona stad

LET US SEE HOW IT WORKS, As the function of a whistleblower  is defined by the EU whistleblower directive, I am going to use it in the extension of the EU application.

(we will try to conduct all in the full visibility on X copy above “the_X_copy_of_this_email_dated_2023-11-28.jpg”
in order to facilitate democratic processes and as an input into the EU elections in June 2024)

Yours Sincerely

Richard Gronvius
Former UN diplomat, Nuclear Safety Adviser



From: Kvist, Boel - STA []
Sent: 20 November 2023 22:02
To: Richard Gronvius; Anderberg, Pernilla - STA; Strandberg, Torkild - POL; Hanak, Jörgen - MIL; Nilsson, Johan - SB; Mauritzsson, Christina - MIL;
Cc: Flinth, Lisa - POL;
Subject: Sv: var är ett visselblåsning system i Landskrona


Hej Richard,

Landskrona stad har sedan länge en e-tjänst där anställda i såväl staden som stadens kommunala bolag kan anmäla sådana missförhållanden som faller inom ramen för visselblåsarfunktionen.


Stadens e-tjänst och mer information kring denna finner du här: Visselblåsare - anmälan - Landskrona stad



Med vänlig hälsning


Boel Kvist


Juridiska avdelningen


Telefonnummer: 0418-470081


Från: Richard Gronvius <>
Skickat: den 20 november 2023 21:51
Till: Anderberg, Pernilla - STA <>; Strandberg, Torkild - POL <>;
Kvist, Boel - STA <>; Hanak, Jörgen - MIL <>; Nilsson, Johan - SB <>; Mauritzsson, Christina - MIL <>;
Kopia: Flinth, Lisa - POL <>;
Ämne: var är ett visselblåsning system i Landskrona
Prioritet: Hög


Pernilla Anderberg, Stadsdirektör och förvaltningschef.
Torkild Strandberg, Landskrona kommunstyrelsens ordförande

Boel Kvist,,  Chef för juridiska avdelningen
Jörgen Hanak, Miljöchef Landskrona
Lisa Flinth Landskrona Kommunfullmäktiges ordförande
Johan Nilsson,,  Förvaltningschef
Christina Mauritzsson,, miljöförvaltning

Sandra Danielsson, , miljöförvaltning
reneneweuropegroup@europarl.europa EU liberals liberalerna MEP



Jag skulle uppskatta att få information angående visselblåsningssystemet i Landskrona Kommun, vilket enligt EU-direktivet är obligatoriskt att implementera i varje medlemsstat.

Ett visselblåsningssystem enligt EU-direktiv utgör en betydelsefull del av ett demokratiskt samhälle. Det är speciellt relevant i Sverige, där det föreligger en större rädsla för att uttrycka åsikter jämfört med länder som Storbritannien och Italien. Den starka sociala kontrollen och den starka känslan av underordning gentemot kollektivet är framträdande faktorer.
utlåtandet från Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen under och i attachment ”visselblåsningsystem_in_Landskrona2.jpg”

Visselblåsning kan förhindra maktmissbruk, personlig vendetta, mobbing, ”intimidation”, skrämsel, korruption, nepotism/svågerpolitik

generellt om whistleblowing



Med vänliga hälsningar

Richard Gronvius
Former UN diplomat, Nuclear Safety Adviser



From: Richard Gronvius []
Sent: 06 November 2023 12:56
To: ''; ''; 'reneneweuropegroup@europarl.europa'
Subject: Please let me know the whistleblowing channel link in the Town of Landskrona as implemented following a directive of the EU.
Importance: High


Dear Lisa Flinth (Liberals)



Please let me know the whistleblowing channel link in the Town of Landskrona as implemented following  a directive of the EU. Sweden signed protocol of the Whistleblowing function.

Yours Sincerely

Richard Gronvius
Former UN diplomat, Nuclear Safety Adviser


We are engaged in the 2024 EU elections
we demand the EU to allow transnational lists (the global EU-wide electorate system.)

"fairness and rule of law are fundaments of the liberal capitalistic democracy."
Abuse of the democratic system, rule of law as exercised in the EU and a contempt for the legal institutions in the communal adminsitration in Landskrona/Sweden
Abuse of power, personal vendetta in the communal administration of Landskrona/Sweden.
Sandra Danielsson from the Environmental  Administration  (Miljöförvaltningen) has exercised a deplorable abuse of personal power disregarding and overruling the verdict of the higher legal instances.


The Environmental Administration has noticed challenges in the production of Glenn and Björne goat cheese since at least two years before the acquisition of the property by us. The municipality has not taken any measures in connection with this. The deplorable injunction is based on a petition that attempts to argue with incorrect information, lack of respect for the legal system, lack of understanding of the legal structure, conditional assumptions without foundation and lack of insight into the activities we conduct, namely the Botanic Garden.
The lack of logical and factual context can only be explained by irrational motives based on personal vendettas and punishment for satirical posts in X (formerly twitter). It appears as an abuse of power because we draw attention to the situation at the international level and contains emotional elements of punishment and harassment.
I know this very well from my job as a UN diplomat in nuclear safety and associated controls of "production of nuclear material and storage procedures."


  I have not requested a site visit, nor was I informed that an inspection fee will be charged. This is contrary to basic rules for cost management vis-a-avi service recipients. Such action in the economic sphere is called fraud.