Creation as the fruit of God’s eternal Love
"Glans at the sun. See the moon and the stars. Gaze at the beauty of the earth." 
Hildegard of Bingen

Our research indicate that Ven looked so for 2000 years ago.  Ecolanum aims at "rewilding" and re-establishing  the original flora and landscape.

Studying the accounts of the Ven's landscape for 400 years ago we could create the following approximation of the landscape in the eastern part of Ven. see photos below. The trees were cut some times ago and the area of our mark was covered marshes and swamps, grass and bushes. The land was not suitable for agriculture.
at wet period
at dry period
Tycho Brahe enlarges the ponds and collects the water to his paper mill

To promot our views we are participating in the election to the EU parliament.

The site documents and records problems and issues related to the development and operation of the Garden Ecolanum and re-establishing the orginal flora of Ven. We are supported and encouraged by the current political trends in the EU.

  ecology of Ven, the nature reserves

[eco] main page referring to ecology of Ven
The nature reserve fence was not established at the sector F which i the most sensitive from the point of protection, especially protection of the eider duck hatching nests.  I have  several times sent the questions to the regional authorities in Skåne, Länsstyrelsen i Skåne, including the head of legal control Mr Jesper Jacobsson amd recieved an answer pointing out to limited resources.

the Nature reserves on the island of Ven. In principle all slopes i.e. "backafall" are protected
today 2023-01-03 I repeat the e-mail and an information about the fencing of the natural reserves on Ven.

  Considerable reduction of flora  and it's diversity on Ven

Since the book was written the large amount of plants from the Ven flora were eliminated, disapeared mostly through intensive agriculture and roe deer (rå djur)

fauna zones in the east part of Ven where Ecolanum is located

north (orange) and south (yellow) fauna areas
red is the only possible movement of  animals between zones. All water courses on Ven are "dead" due to high  content of nitrogen. There are no larvae of dragon flies or larvae of other insects.
in the largest artificial lake on Ven there are no frogs or toads.

Sweden's Democratic Values
Rule of Law prescribes the response to the citizens' request for information without discrimination
Corruption in the European Union
We are using terminology and the legal definitions from the following document. The definition are broader than usually applied including personal and political favors, instrumetalization of authorities in favorable directions.

  Lisa Flinth Kommun-fullmäktiges ordförande Torkild Sören Strandberg kommunstyrelsens ordförande i Landskrona är en svensk politiker (liberal) wikipedia Jörgen Hanak
Miljöchef Miljöförvaltning

  vår ecologisk footprint  

Inget kött
Inget socker
ingen alkohol
En del av vår "objective" avstå och minska vår belastning på miljön. Med Guds hjälp och disciplin  kunde vi minska vår konsumtion till ett minimum, vi räknar at vi har minskat vår belastning av miljön med 60 procent.
Praktiskt taget producerar vi inget avfall. Vår matkonsumtion går på ungefär 2000 kr  per person per månad.  (orginal

Även i Sverige finns situationer där man  trakasserar, utövar personlig vendetta, maktmissbruk, manipuleration av fakta,   

How  previous owner  (owner of a goat farm) to contaminated the plot with the silage plastics

posting satirical cartoons on X (twitter)

description of the psychosocial background
repression of citizens in the historical framework
"Husförhör versus Hustillsyn"

Critics are punished
current person harassments masked by administrative rules as punishment for  pointing out previous failures (previous owner had a goat farm) for posting satirical cartoons (we are not in England, one is not joking with mighty )
we are exposed to a benevolent pressure in order to exercise self-censorship. see Jentelagen see also for the psycho-social background
Landskrona kommun organization
organizational Structures

  media presence   

Botanical Garden Ecolanum   Richard Ecolanum Garden   Ecolanum Ven
ecolanum   Plato Today

live Twitter account @ecolanum   

Administrativa Anomalier
Documentation of the oustanding administrative issues
bisarra räkningar
How SEK 3500  were expropriated from me

  Original environent of the Eastern Ven   

  our objectives and motivation  

trafikven Trafik till Ven

  microplastics contamination
silage plast blandad med gödsel och get/får skelett,  samlad sedan minst 20 år. Trots mängder av anmälningar ingenting har hänt.
ansvariga Miljöschefen Landskrona Jörgen Hanak.
Plastic contamination, the previous owner left. 
  an ecological scandal
Landskrona TUNA 25:12


grannehörande  TUNA 25-12 2021

Due to the negligence of the "miljö"-environmental authorities in Landskrona the major contamination was allowed to proceed under 20 years and the culpable för the contamination Glenn Björne was illigaly to transfer property to his son Lucas Björne thus escaping responsibility of cleaning the micro plastics
  an introduction to corruption
Landskrona TUNA 89:5
grannehörande  TUNA 89-5 2022
bedrägeri och förfalskning av dokument.
There are good reason to suspect that the process was manipulated and an incorrect information was provided to one or more of the participants.  
detta dokument är en officiellt dokument godkänt av kommunen  
detta dokument är förfalskat  och var skickat till de "gannar" som var kritiska. Syft var att tysta kritiska röster  
  Deficiencies in the administrative procedure


  Climate, growing conditions
naturreservat The protection of Ven's nature reserve areas and ecological diversity
growing plants on Ven
climate, soil, problems

  Issues and problems, reasearch areas

Concepts and means of the rain water management, solutions, ponds, water retention etc.
Soil PH level management, the earth on VEN is very  alkaline
Concepts, various solutions and biological and mechanical management of weeds, methodology of reduction of weeds in large areas, replacement by other viable plants.
Design of the system aiming at extraction of plastic/micro plastic  from contaminated soil
pollination principles, for chestnut trees, persimmon etc. 
bee keeping 
Evaluation and improvement of the biological water filtering system installed around the koi pond.  
Assessment of needs for a natural habitat for roe deer which were introduced to the island and which are fed to survive.
9 reduction of nitrogen in the soil


summer 2018 
very dry the wll water last  20-30 minutes per dag

22 May
Reason why we have fences, the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), damage our plants

Some intresting links and publications 
  Socio-economics of Ven   
Demography: Between 370 and 380 people live permanently on the Island. By very superficial evaluation we have an impression that the demographic (age group) pyramided is very skew. Proportionally there are very few children and young people living permanently on Ven. Many houses are owned by summer guests and the population increases manifold during the summer months.
Socioeconomically we belong to the group of retirees whose interest is to maintain wide spectrum and good services; we do not care about tourism and try to protect our gardens from the roe deer. On the other hand the level of local services is dependent on the prosperity and activates of all other groups. No activities on the island means no base for social services.

Our inspiration and the source of ideas